Investment Maps of Regions
Investment Strategies of Regions
Industrial Parks
Software complex "Mass Assessment"
Developments for Roseestr
State cadastral evaluation
Automated system of real estate monitoring and management «Business Cadaster»
Evaluation of assets
Development of draft regulatory legal, methodical and technical documents in the field of taxation and real estate evaluation
Services on economic analysis of land use, evaluation of economic consequences of introduction of taxes, market evaluation, cadastral evaluation of real estate.
Planning, development, introduction and support of special software in the field of evaluation of real estate objects and economic analysis
International projects
Industrial Parks
Industrial park is a complex of real estate objects with the area of not less than 20000 sq. meters and of infrastructure operated by a single operator and providing conditions for effective operation of small and medium-size plants. IP is the best tool for attracting industrial investment.
Industrial Park “Severny”, Belgorod Region
In November of 2008 in the northern part of Belgorod work on implementation of the pilot innovational project “Creation of Industrial Park “Severny” was started. The project included construction of industrial buildings of the total area of more than 70 thousand sq. m. for placement of not fewer than 30 enterprises in the area of 24 ha.
Set of works carried out by the Holding:
- Concept
- Business Plan
- Financial Model
- Attracting finances of MSP-Bank
Aero-Cluster, Ulyanovsk Region
Aim of the project: creation of favourable conditions for increasing competitiveness of air transport on the market of transport services of Russia and integration of Russian aircraft engineering in international markets.
Set of works carried out by the Holding:
- Development of the concept of Aero-Cluster
- Cluster has been included into the list of innovative clusters
Industrial Park “Slobodino”, Kirov region
Industrial Park “Slobodino” is a modern production site of the total area of 26.1 ha, situated near Kirov, having all required infrastructure for creation and development of your business.
Purpose: organization of high-tech production of small and medium-size companies with no restrictions as to industry-based criterion.
Set of works carried out by the Holding:
- Selection of land plots for placement of enterprises,
- Concept,
- Financial model,
- Master Plan.
Technology Cluster, Khabarovsky Krai
Main aim: economic “package” of projects, assistance in search for investments, establishment and support of small innovative enterprises created under Komsomolsk-on-Amur state technical university.
Technology Park Structure:
- Centre for innovative consulting.
- Students’ design bureau.
- Pilot operation site.
Set of works carried out by the Holding:
- Concept
- Business Plan
- Financial model
Sverdlovsk Region
Set of works carried out by the Holding:
- Comprehensive program of creation and development of enterprises
- Analysis of land plots for placement of parks
- System of support measures
- Regulatory documents
Industrial Park “Sinarsky”
Developed on the basis of JSC “SinTZ” enterprise in Kamensk-Uralsky. At present 10 resident enterprises operate in its territory.
Set of works carried out by the Holding:
- Development strategy
- Model of financing
- Marketing strategy
- Master Plan
- Promotion program
Industrial park of infrastructural type “Koltsovo” (near Ekaterinburg)
Total area of 370 ha. Project implementation period is 2013-2016. Possible specialization: forestry complex enterprises, consumer goods industry, repairs and maintenance of air vessels, metalworking.
Set of works carried out by the Holding:
- Development strategy
- Model of financing
- Marketing strategy
- Master Plan
- Promotion program
Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic
- Audit of land plots for placement
- Concept
- Financial model
- Master Plan